вторник, 7 апреля 2015 г.

How 11 eminent U.S. doctors recommended our app against snoring

Healthtap.com resource brings together thousands of leading American doctors of all directions. On the site you can see who is online and make an appointment. There is all their achievements In each doctor's profile on the site.
And recently we were informed that our application against snoring was recomended by a few of them. Gradually, their number increases. Now there are 11. Among them - the surgeons, psychiatrists, neurologists, and so on. Here you can see a list of a doctors, their record of activity, how many lives they saved, and a description of our application "AntiSnore". For example, neurologist Bennett Machanic saved 80 lives and was awarded as the Most Influential Doctor in Colorado in 2014, recommended our app.

Link to a list of physicians recommending us.
Link to AntiSnore on Gogle.Play: lite, full. iOS version has not been released yet.
YouTube link to a video about the app.

This app is based on a real physical prototype. The device (bracelet) easily, but not completely, awakens the user when it hears the sound of snoring, causing snorer to change position. We have implemented all the same in the phone and even greatly expanded functionality: added timer activity, offered a choice of 3 stimuli, the duration of stimulation, and so on. And the free version is enough for fighting with snoring. Application, of course, has 30 languages interface.

Как 11 именитых врачей США дали рекомендацию российскому приложению от храпа

Ресурс healthtap.com объединяет тысячи ведущих американских врачей всех направлений. На сайте можно посмотреть, какой из них онлайн и записаться на консультацию. У каждого врача в профайле представлен послужной список.
И недавно нам сообщили, что наше приложение для борьбы с храпом попало в рекомендуемые несколькими врачами. Постепенно их число увеличивается. Сейчас их 11. Среди них - хирурги, психиатры, неврологи и так далее. По ссылке вы можете посмотреть список этих врачей, их послужной список, сферу деятельности, сколько жизней они спасли, и описание нашего приложения "Антихрап". Например, рекомендующий наше приложение невролог Bennett Machanic спас 80 человек и в 2014 году получил награду, как самый влиятельный доктор Колорадо.

Ссылка на список рекомендующих нас врачей.
Ссылка на Антихрап на Gogle.Play: лайт, полная. iOS версии пока нет, но она в разработке.
Ссылка на YouTube с видеороликом о приложении.

Это приложение основано на реальном физическом прототипе. Устройство-браслет легко, но не полностью, будит пользователя, когда слышит звук храпа, заставляя храпуна поменять позу. Мы внедрили всё то же в телефон и даже значительно расширили функционал: добавили таймер активности, предложили выбор из 3 раздражителей для, длительность раздражения и так далее. И бесплатная версия максимально полноценна. Приложение, разумеется, имеет русский интерфейс среди прочих.

четверг, 2 апреля 2015 г.

How this app accidentally saved lives of hundreds of Australians

2 years ago we have released a simple application without any design. To create SMS templates with preset addresses and text, laying them on the desktop as a widget. And sending messages in 1 or 2 clicks. We just came up with the daily routine for the same messages: "I'm home", "I on my way", "Good Morning" and so on. We didn't consider this app outstanding.

After a while the users opened the possibility of using it a completely different: they began using these templates to start their cars remotely and even turning on boilers in the smart houses.

A year ago (March 23, 2014) we have received the following letter:

"Hi, your sms template app is really good and as a firefighter, I am going to use it to alert the rest of my brigade when we get a callout, as not everyone has a pager. There is one feature that I would like to have that I do not think this app has (I'm not sure if it is even possible) ... 
(followed by questions and tips).

A year later we wrote to him, asking if he began to use the application to extinguish fires. And he replied "yes":


Yes I use it in firefighting to alert other firefighters in our brigade that there is an incident callout for the brigade.

Once I am informed (by phone call or pager) that my brigade is being called to an incident (fire or car accident etc) I use your app to inform all the brigade members that we have a callout. I do not give any specific information - I just use a group template I have set up. It just says "#CALLOUT#" and I send it using a shortcut / widget with your two-click option.

All the members have an app called "Fire Alert 2" on their phones, which uses "#CALLOUT#" as the trigger to sound an alarm on their phone and displays the message regardless of whether the phone is in silent mode or not.

It works really well as a quick (less than 5 seconds) method for me to alert others before I leave myself ... " (and so on)

Then we decided to find out where he lives and to ask a few more questions. And the main thing that was interesting: as far as this our application is only for Android. Is it possible that all Australians use only Android (it turned out - yes)?

Here are the questions and answers.

1. What city and country are you from?

Burringbar, New South Wales, Australia.

2. Why you use non-professional app for your job? Is there professional apps?

The official dispatch service does not use sms / apps at all. It uses pagers and phone calls to the Captain. These pagers are not issued to everyone (especially new members) as they are expensive. Also in our area, we have a lot of trouble with pager reception, which operate on a fire Brigade tower network. The Sms app is very useful to both members without a pager and as a backup to members with a pager.

3. Do you have and are you involved in a regular firefighting team?

Yes. It is a Volunteer Brigade, with about 10 active members. When there is a callout, all of these members are alerted and whoever is available at the time responds to the incident.

5. How come, that all firefighters have Android phones?

Android is now the most common phone OS in Australia. There is one other member who sends out the alerts like I do with your app and we both have android phones. The rest of the members have android or iPhones, and the receiving app (fire alert 2) is available on both android and iPhone.

In the last letter we thanked him for the use of our program, saying that saving lives adds more meaning to our work.
Link to Application: lite version, full version.

Как российское приложение спасло жизни сотням австралийцев

2 года назад мы выпустили простое приложение, без всякого дизайна. Для создания шаблонов SMS с предустановленными адресами и текстом, выкладки их на рабочий стол виджетом. И отправки сообщений в 1 клик. Мы это придумали просто для рутинных ежедневных одинаковых сообщений: "Я дома", "Скоро буду", "Приехал", "Доброе утро" и так далее. Мы не считали его выдающимся.

Через некоторое время пользователи открыли совершенно другие возможности использования: они стали с помощью этих шаблонов дистанционно заводить машины и даже запускать отопление в умных домах.

А год назад (23 марта 2014) от некоего Джейкоба пришло такое письмо:

"Привет, ваше приложение подходит для пожарных. Я собираюсь использовать его для сбора пожарной команды, так как не у всех есть пейджеры..."

"Hi, your sms template app is really good and as a firefighter, I am going to use it to alert the rest of my brigade when we get a callout, as not everyone has a pager. There is one feature that I would like to have that I don't think this app has (I'm not sure if it is even possible)..." (далее следуют советы и вопросы).

Мы внесли требуемые исправления. На днях мы написали ему, спросив, начал ли он использовать приложение для тушения пожаров. И он ответил, что использует (перевод в Google.Translate):


Yes I use it in firefighting to alert other firefighters in our brigade that there is an incident callout for the brigade.

Once I am informed (by phone call or pager) that my brigade is being called to an incident (fire or car accident etc) I use your app to inform all the brigade members that we have a callout. I don't give any specific information - I just use a group template I have set up. It just says "#CALLOUT#" and I send it using a shortcut/widget with your two-click option.

All the members have an app called "Fire Alert 2" on their phones, which uses "#CALLOUT#" as the trigger to sound an alarm on their phone and displays the message regardless of whether the phone is in silent mode or not.

It works really well as a quick (less than 5 seconds) method for me to alert others before I leave myself..." (письмо длинное)

Тогда мы решили узнать, откуда он, ещё задали несколько вопросов. А главное, что было интересно: ведь наше приложение только на Android. Неужели у всех австралийцев Android (оказалось - да)?

Здесь приводится вопрос и ответ без перевода  (перевод в Google.Translate).

1. What city and country are you from?

Burringbar, New South Wales, Australia.

2. Why you use non-professional app for your job? Is there professional apps?

The official dispatch service does not use sms/apps at all. It uses pagers and phone calls to the Captain. These pagers are not issued to everyone (especially new members) as they are expensive. Also in our area, we have a lot of trouble with pager reception, which operate on a fire Brigade tower network. The Sms app is very useful to both members without a pager and as a backup to members with a pager.

3. Do you have and are you involved in a regular firefighting team?

Yes. It is a Volunteer Brigade, with about 10 active members. When there is a callout, all of these members are alerted and whoever is available at the time responds to the incident.

5. How come, that all firefighters have Android phones?

Android is now the most common phone OS in Australia. There is one other member who sends out the alerts like I do with your app and we both have android phones. The rest of the members have android or iPhones, and the receiving app (fire alert 2) is available on both android and iPhone.

В последнем письме мы его поблагодарили за использование нашей программы, сказав, что спасение жизней добавляет гораздо больше смысла нашему делу.

Ссылка на приложение: лайт-версия, полная версия.